Hey, I'm Katie! 
By trade, I'm a designer, visual storyteller, and creative leader. I love what I do, and you'll learn all about that on every other page of this site. But here, you can see what I get up to when I'm off-the-clock ✌️🤪✌️
1. I save all my money to ✈️ travel ✈️, whether it's across the state to run a half marathon or halfway across the world to the Philippines with my best friends.
2. I collect hobbies like Elon collects companies — soccer, volleyball, disc golf, running, biking, golf, pool, darts, you name it — I love to burn off my excess energy.
3. Craft beer is my kryptonite. Does this expose me as a prototypical millennial? Probably 🍻
4. "Ope! Let me scoot right past ya there." The midwest is hard coded into my DNA. This girlie is always reppin' Wisconsin, Missouri, and Michigan 💗
5. My cat is approximately 90% of my personality 😺
6. An absolute 🎙️ podcast fiend 🎙️ I'm probably ranking my favorites like a MySpace Top 5 as we speak... No but really: 1. Normal Gossip 2. This American Life 3. Modern Love by the NYT 4. Heavyweight with Jonathan Goldstein 5. Serial
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